Horoscope; unbelievable
But some part isn't very true. LOL. I'm really amazed; well, if you want to know your horoscope reading, contact me. I send you through mail =)
I highlighted out which is true in me xD
几乎所有人都有这样一种印象: 天平座的人善意、可亲,爱交朋友。
于是大家也由此认为天平是群居生物,必然是害怕独处,喜欢热闹的。 但,事实并不是表面看来那样简单。
的确,天平是个和平使者。在公众场合可以很好地调节气氛使之均衡。气氛热烈时,他们会沉静的压住阵脚;气氛冷凝时,他们会运用不着痕迹的轻松幽默化解坚冰。总之他们不会随波逐流去助长气氛的冷热,而是像用天平称量物品一样,加减砝码,使之维持水平状态。 而他们在做这种加减的时候,动作是优雅的,态度是和悦的,看起来漫不经心不动声色。实际上,他们是很有心计的人,尽管众口难调,也可以找到一种万全的方式来使全局和谐起来。 但是这并不是说他们喜欢主宰,只是因为他们看不得失衡,那会使他们如坐针毡。
他们不吝惜金钱,却吝惜自由的时间和安静的休闲时光。像所有风向星座一样,他们喜欢自由,喜欢像风一样谁也捉不住他。 他们喜欢自在独立的空间。就算你是他最好的朋友,也不要老和他粘在一起,你要知道他并不喜欢如此,尽管他不会直接说出来。你也得相信,你的天平座朋友也许半年也没有音信,但是只要一见面,你还是他最好的朋友。因为他就是这种交友方式,你拿他怎么办?
'我懒得……' 这是天平座的口头语。他们懒得出门,懒得聚会,懒得应酬……所以他们并不是很喜欢参加party。倒是宁愿呆在家里上网,看书,画画。他们自身是均衡的,一个人的均衡总比一群人的均衡来的容易。所以他们喜欢独处
那是因为他们把内心世界掩饰得连自己都骗过了。 他们控制情绪的能力太强了。最亲近的人会感觉到,天平给人不露声色的隔离感,有时会被埋怨'太冷静了,我都不知道你在想什么!' 可是他们不是故意要隐瞒什么,只是出于本能。一个连自己都骗过了的人,你还能要求他对你坦白什么?
他们不喜欢歇斯底里,不喜欢痛哭失声,不喜欢安慰别人也不怎么喜欢被安慰。因为他们懂得,谁也无法真正理解另一个人。 天平,其实是很独立的一个星座。他们在霓虹灯影里微笑,在灯火阑珊处寂寞。他们叫你懂得:孤独的最高境界是繁华。
Movie (ignore if bored)

When I watched halfway, I recalled back that the storyline seems to be a little similar with Battle Royale. This film was released in Japan at 2001, it was about throwing human being to an island and made them to kill themselves with bomb gadgets at their body. The Condemned, the bomb located at their legs, while at BR the bomb located at their necks, both bomb was similar with GPS programmed with the bomb.

Well, if you ask me which movie is better. I prefer BR; the storyline was insane enough to make you shake your head. Too bad Japanese poor in acting; but Tatsuya Fujiwara was so cool in BR. =D But please... BR II wasn't a great film after all. That's why I don't trust reqiuem; they just use the names, most of them didn't put much effort towards the film. Makes the film boring.
But BR II wont as boring as Japanese horror films One Missed Call, The Grudge and The Ring. Damn... These film is meaningless. At least try to be as meaningful as The Silk (Taiwan film) larhhh... At least got moral value. LOL.
看看我是否能记得今天所发生的事 =]
在案发现场,当时的我在做着自己的东西;看到这个情形,自然地,便情不自禁地唱起来: “姜姜姜姜~”
我边看看从哪儿传来的回音,我却发觉Pei Qi在看着我。
原来,那个回音是由Pei Qi发出的;在同一个时间和我做同样的事,真是心灵相通~ <3 LOL.
班上所有人也笑个不停。当时Pei Qi还在喝着水呢!嘿嘿~
当Yoke Yen演着Juana正在吸着Coyotito(Ming Hui演) 肩膀上的蝎毒时,她们的表情令我爆笑起来~她们演得太过好笑了。整班笑到如有惊人的地震似的,爆笑到求生不得,求死不能。唉……
笑到过瘾后S5D就忍不住给她们鼓励的掌声。Yay ~~
新加坡没请她们去演戏真是浪费了!尤其是Yoke Yen,你的表情好经典啊!可惜的是当时我们手上没有V-cam,不然我肯定把整个过程播上youtube,让大家欣赏你们的才能;卧虎藏龙!哈哈哈~
26 . 02 . 09
因为在我们的第一节,道德老师让我们欣赏日本的Hiroshima城市被炸过程的影片;让我看得爽爽,敲钟了也不想回班。一节是不够的!明天继续看 =]
回到班上,我心情很低落;回想起了Pn. Chan要求我们删掉前面Hip-hop的部分,只允许new jazz部分;还给了大家插了一刀,shoot人也用到M16,杀到不能停。唉~ 其余的,我不想多了;等等看Carmen和Shianli的决定吧!
休息节后开始爱睡了,真的是撑不下去。很想提神,便听听看Wuan Xin说一说她今早捉猫的事件。
听了也炸到,她竟然花了3节时间来捉两只在store room的猫,又加上清理它们留下来的黄金神水,真够神奇。没想到,两只猫竟然让4为卫生员搞到团团转;连Wuan Xin自己也疯了,回班时跟老师解释的语气也变超级幼稚了。令我们整班哭笑不得……昨天还是Wuan Xin的生日呢~ 两只小猫用了黄金神水来祝福你哦!好好珍惜这份礼物 =D
大家便不禁的给了鼓掌。老师啊,你真了解我们。哈哈~ 当时我的心情也便好很多了。
只是有点惭愧上个星期去了Kem Kepimpinan,错过了老师说gay的故事。哈哈~
Busy Life
Bomba orientation
This morning just went to school to attend Bomba orientation.
When I reached C5, everybody was there. I saw a lot of friends too, they were new members that joined Bomba.
I then had some chat with Selena, Lilian and Veng Karr. They arrived early, as they're committee members. We took some pictures together while waiting other members to arrive, especially Sheh Nee. LOL. Tortoise always that slow x)
Some of the members went to participate the Chinese calligraphy, while other members divided themselves into 4 teams, we play station games for orientation. Well, I was CHEATED by dumb dumb Lilian aka DURIAN to become the team leader. Later, I noticed the consequences for being a team leader ==" Danggg~
The Rules:
The team that win this game will receive gifts from our President, the same goes to second-runner-up. However, as for the team that lost, they will be punished by drinking the "drink" which was made by the winner team. Ingredients: Pepper, sauce, soy sauce etc. What freaked me out was that when Sheh Nee yelled this sentence: "Either your team drink it together or your team leader drink it!"
Well, I'm not interested with the snacks. I'm on diet =) But still, I can't gave up Fererro; as I'm a chocolate addict. So I took one. xD
Activity was dismissed. The AJK discussed their things at C6-- The room of silence. Things I shouldn't be heard. So I just went to toilet to snap vain pics with new toilet backgroud. Here's the design and renovation results of our new GENG toilet; (damn, they repair toilets at front block. How about Block 98 and 93?! We used old toilets you know? It stinks)
When I arrived the room of silence, they started to rearrange the tables. As for me...
Vandalism! MUAHAHAHAH~
I was bored =]
p/s: New pics will be uploaded NEXT TIME ;D
- Economy slump; spend wisely
- Study for SPM! Do my best for it
- March to hair academy at Dec
- Pray for no NS
- Stay active at co curriculum; swap the marks
- Avoid discipline prob (mission failed)
- Exercise & on-diet; be healthy
- Appreciate high school life
- Kiam online; keh study!
今天同样的,看看人家的部落格;不知不觉,一个部落格去到了另外一个部落格,无意之中给我看到了Nick Vujicic的短片。当时我才领悟到,为什么那两位朋友会向我们分享,为什么她们表达不出她们想说的一切。我看了,我懂了;因为在这短短的Video里,内容虽很简单,但竟然让我感动了,眼睛也累积了泪水。对,就只是两分钟,感觉却比看了『一公升的眼泪』更加感动。虽然眼泪没流下,但还是差一点就要流下来了,我马上抹掉它,心中已经领悟到好多好多东西。
想起来,当Yvonne和Lilian说这位Nick Vujicic先生的事情时,我却有冷酷的反应。可是今天我知道,我错了。
Nick先生的 Are You Going to Finish Strong?
回来上网,照旧的看看人家的部落格。我昨天却疏忽了Lee Chien 的部落格;我来给大家分享一下这位小姐的“经典推论”:
b cells n t-killer cells 就像是护花使者t-helper cells 就是手无寸铁的女生hiv
a. 少了一半的水
b. 多了一半的水
a 就代表悲观的人; b 代表乐观的人。
对了!今天看到Romeo & Juliet 哦~ 哈哈! =P
... hate YOU!
Gosh... I just hate you; although you can polish me to become smarter.
But at the same time you create stress for me; you made me and my pc broke-up. *sniffs* Just wait... One day I'll boycott you; LOL! Just BEWARE!p/s: =)
Quick post
Well, I just dance for 5 rounds and I'm sweating! But I won't stop untill I catch up everything I learned. It's not very hard actually, just that the tempo is fast; need to follow up every tempo. Quite exercising! Gosh, now I learned that Hip-hop dance is tough. Maybe worse than New Jazz? LOL; I don't know. So far so good; practice makes perfect! Just hope that I won't gone blank at stage =/
Yesterday I made a decision. I plan to take some haircutting courses; as I cut my hair myself when I was Form 3, the whole year I didn't even step in a hair saloon xD
As for behind, I called my friend to help me cut it short; for layer and trim, I just D.I.Y! My mom said she had a friend that opens hair accademy. I gonna go there to learn some haircuts! =]
After I learned, perhaps I can cut my friend's hair in a proper way; unlike now, non-edu cut. Lmao. You know, its emergency when the school wants to check our hair; we just no time for saloons!
After SPM, hair accademy... HERE I COME!
2009 情人节
所谓的 『运动加分会』 结束后,大家就无所事事,很无聊;大家就在班上聊天,或者在准备班节目。我却在班前的黑板上写写画画。写着: 『To: S5D ... Valentine Love ... By: Death Note lover 』,是我给我朋友们的祝福; 也就是我无事做涂鸦黑板的理由。让我写到满头白粉,哈哈。放学时我竟然却忘记擦黑板,哈哈~ 那就给下午班的学妹享受我的祝福吧!*炸到*
最可惜的是,我无法陪Lilian, Veng Karr, Yin Yee 一起度过情人节。临时没车去,只好在家看电视,错过了一些东西。
想起来,却忘了一件事,在充满爱的一天,我的校车竟然熄火两次 =.= 也许这辆巴士对我的爱依依不舍吧?不想我这么快下车哦…… =D
Fatigue Friday
Take the keys; open the lock; walk in to my class; on the fans; go towards my seat; BANG! SLEEP jor =.=v
Woot~ Raining! What a great timing. LOL. So cool~ Last few days seems to be so hot. Grrr... I had to fan myself at 7 o'clock in the morning. Zzz~
As I didn't on the lights, so my friends went to dreamland with me. Everyone was asleep. However, when Hui Chin arrived, things changed? LOL. She want to do homework, our 15 graphs =.= So she on the lights! Hou geng arr~
Most of us was awake then, except that piggy Veng Karr. She already punished to duty for 1 month as she didn't went to report her attendance. She skipped to report attendance again. I foreseen she gonna punish for 2 months =P (Hope VK didn't see this. ^^v)
Well, 30 minutes nap seems OK to me. But at assembly I slept again. LOL. I can't sleep properly, Froggie was behind me T^T So I chat with Yun Yee; Yvonne so diam. Reason: Froggie behind us. She dare not talk to me. I'm so hurt tiok. Haha! Kidding =.=
Froggie scolded Yvonne for "escaping" from her class and sit with us. *sigh* Luckily she didn't reconize me. Or she will know that I wasn't from that class TOO. Dangg~ Later she target me how? HOW? My Physics! I don't wanna fail~ NOOOOOO~ o.O
Oh yeah, Happy Valentine to those who got celebrate it. LOL. Valentine's Day also need to go to school. Sien nia. Aish, I hate to wake up so early in the morning, I can't even walk in a straight line. Zzz~
After school I planned to go kai kai with friends. Perhaps they will ponteng tuition to accompany me longer(You all better don't PPK). I so touched. Muahahaha~ They all are so my valentine =D (But sorry, my fridge was out of chocolate. No chocolates for ya all) XD
Kena again. Sobx nia
Ques: Kena hami?
Ans: Kena tangkap lahh... Rambut lahh...
Haihz. You know, same prefect took me go decipline room AGAIN. LOL. Why always S4D students kena? She's the one who took my F4 class' attendance. She seems so sweat, didn't believe me that my hair was short. She so clever, didn't let me bluff tiok. Haha! As an excuse, she call me to accompany Annabel go cut. So lame, who also know la =.=
And the most sad part is, when I say Good-bye to my fellow moniter of the class, LynnHua, who was talking to the whole class that time, the whole S5D seems to be so excited and encourage me to go out. Keep cheering, clap-clap and say bye-bye. Sobx. Hurt tiok my glass-made-heart already, broken into pieces... (You all better go buy UHU come to stick back my heart. Hahaha~) See? What a class huh? Mou sam geh xP
On the way to find my hairdresser, I promised myself to that prefect, said: "Hey, after I graduate I sure come back find you. Feng my hair infront of you, see you can catch me bo." She was like so Danggg. Lmao.
Annabel, my beloved friend. Already accompany me go find hairdresser two times. StickwitU. Dangg~
The hairdresser who cut my hair today goes to: Miss Pao!
I still thought is Orange. LOL. I kinda disappointed, you know. =D
Well, as usual, cut our hair in straight vertical line. Thank YOU~
When I reached home, I stand in the bathroom and trimmed my hair myself. Yeah, AGAIN. Cut myself a new hairstyle. LOL. I can't tahan PCGHS already; I had to trim my hair. The more thinner the better. Sien nia... =.=
Another recall
I visited Perak that time, second day of CNY. We had a reunion at my grandparents' house; at Teluk Intan. Danggg~


Class Item
This year is our last year in high school. So we must prepare for the Thanks-to-teacher ceromony (HEY! T-cube =.=). Each class has to do at least 2 items. Wow! Well, I just involve in one. The another item I just do as backstage helpers =D Just kaypo around. Hiak hiak~
Our class chose dancing; okayy.. No problem. However, things ain't same as I expected. LOL
Guess what? I had backpain after 2 lessons. Danggg~ I'm sure it's a good exercise for us all, keep feng lai feng ki. Super nia. Haha.
And the steps o.O Well, what to say. I kept say OK after my classmates tought me the steps. But when I reached home, Ta-DA! I forgot the steps. xP
Next, I need to say thank you for the teachers. I bet you sure went ka-BOOM when teaching a person like me to dance properly! Haha. Sorry I ain't serious enough =D
I will try to be serious next time, I promise 0=)
Recall back.
Well, let's recall back what happened then =D
At first, we carpooled to Pragin Mall. Ying Shan and her mom wanna do some hair thing. LOL.
Ying Shan doesn't allow me to take pictures of her at that moment =(
We went to eat steamboat after that; Gosh, we shouldn't call 2p's set. It's horrible, we were too FULL. If it wasn't Ying Shan go order a bowl of rice, I guess we could finished it. Ying Shan, you truely a 饭桶... 顶~ =.=
Uh huh... Just that~ Lmao. I don't even had a chance to finish it. My parents were waiting... LOL. What a day
P/s: Yvonne that day got go TOO. (LOL; she want her existance to be known) =D
A Night ...
The tuition, has usual ends at 10.30pm. Unfortunately, Sheh Nee can't stand it, she's hungry. LOL. Then she left at 10.15pm. Sweat~ At first I thought she wasn't coming, she's sick ya know. Felt so touched when she come, sob sob. HAHA.
Guess what? While Selena and I freezing inside the room... When the tuition ended, Selena can't wait to leave. She pushing me all the way to get off the building. Zzz.
Well, I was sleepy when I reached home. So I decided to watch "Sinking of Japan", I was so looking forward to it. And... I felt more sleepy when I watching it. Crap. LOL.
I just watched it for 15mins and I kept on skip the chapters; skip till the end. WAH... Japan country was rescued by a guy that sacrificed his life at 5000+km below the sea, so Japan floated back I guess. And... THE END... *clap clap* =="
I was bored, just sitting at the furniture and waiting the time to past. OH, I noticed somebody watching me, perhaps stalking. Guess who?
It's Selena and Ying Shan! Gosh man, they creep me out. Just like that. They like stalkers, you know. LOL. We had a lil chat outside my home, while enjoying the view of the night sky with fireworks. My neighbourhood was SUPER! Fireworks and firecrackers everywhere! More better than New Year and CNY! =]
DONG~ DONG~ DONG~ 12am. Wheee~~
It's pray pray time. After that I went to bed. LOL.
Nah, the firecrackers damn loud. My neighbours lighted fireworks and crackers alternately. They take turns, you won't stand a chance to go to sleep. Take a break~ LOL.
Beautiful fireworks; Cool firecrackers. Too bad I didn't took the pictures, but one of neighbour did. HAHA. He was impressed and he keep cheering around. =D
Even I'm sleepy, I ain't went to bed. I helped my parents packed the rest of things.
Around 1.35am. I can't take it anymore... I said "Good Night" to everybody and BANG~ off; straight to bed. =]
School Reopen
Gosh, I haven't get used to my holiday mood yet. LOL. Well, today I unable to go to the CNY Open House, too bad. Can't help it, I had to finish my homeworks. Hope my Dad and Mom have the fun right there! Lmao.
This week's holiday I spend most of my time at Perak, watching 珠光宝气. Quite nice though, I will continue with it after SPM. =]
Pictures will be uploaded after my precious cousin send me. *qiang*
Now I aint do any homeworks. I'm lazy. LOL
Another reminder: I forgot to cut my hair.
OH no~~ Well, this work I guess will pass to Selena's hands. My future is in her hands! LOL.