What's next?

My work at Parkson gonna end soon, I'm going to college. Yeah, it's TAR College, by the way.
During these few months, I gained some experience... and get to know lil bit about what-is-the-life-out-there. I don't even know I had changed or not; I had loss and gain, joy and dissatisfaction while working. Sounds crazy, huh? I think that's what that made us to become mature day by day, and insane. LOL. Sometimes I miss my high school life. Really...

Second floor of Parkson Gurney...
I gonna miss there. But I ain't going back there. LOL. It'sJust4visit.

Yeah. I'm emo now. And don't ask me why, its convoluted.

Anyway, I currently watching 奸人坚. At the opening of Episode 1, there's a cool phase:
有恩唔报不算差,有仇不报系人渣 ...
Damn, so cute. LOL!


jhssapphire said...

yea yeas...how come i didn't see you at parkson? i went shopping there last sunday....not fair.... what are u taking up fpr TAR?

sun yon said...

LOL. working at Gent's department, currently under casual wear, Blue Toms is the brand. haha.

Well, accounting. it seems tough though. zzzz

jhssapphire said...

No wonder...won't go looking at Gents Department that easily...My friend is also taking accounting ( i think) at TAR..she went for interview last tues...

Why is everyone taking accounting anyway? Rabbit was too but she was going back F6....

Miss your 自恋 nia...and xiao long ge ge is going away d....T.T

sun yon said...

LOL. miss my 自恋? i also miss that myself. HAHA.
haaaaa? where she's going to?

jhssapphire said...

She going for matriks, haven't you heard?
Quite soon, probably 10th something this month. You better called her up and catch up with her before she "disappear"

I meet her today at Queensbay nia...Will really miss her..she is going to Perak with Kar Mun, i think.

Goddbye, Xiao Long Ge Ge~